Wednesday, October 10, 2012



Our first official meeting was held October 9th.  We outlined major tasks and goals to accomplish, as well as next steps.  The book we will be creating in .epub format is the collection of Persian folk tales known as "Arabian Nights" or "One Thousand and One Nights."  Originally written in Arabic, the tales have origins dating as early back as the 9th century, and have been translated into English and other languages around the world for centuries.

Some of the most appealing aspects of turning "Arabian Nights" into an ebook:
  • Content Appeal: these tales transcend era, age, culture, and audience as most folk tales do, they are parables that can keep the interest of a wide range of readers.
  • Public Domain: ancient stories, no copyright! 
  • Illustrations: as vivid short stories, they provide the opportunity for ample illustrations which will make for a visually appealing ebook.
  • Collection of stories:  as they are a collection of tales, we have the ability to pick and choose which stories to include. This also makes outlining the architecture of the book a little easier.